King Who & The Lizard What?
March 28, 2024
An E-mail With Heart
May 7, 2024
King Who & The Lizard What?
March 28, 2024
An E-mail With Heart
May 7, 2024

From Tire Tracks To New Notepads

Earlier this year I left a work notebook on top of the Jeep following a client meeting and on location photo shoot.

I came up empty when I realized my mistake and raced back an hour later.

Luckily a staff member of the client saw and scooped up the notebook on his way home. 

As you can see from the photo on the left, the notebook was unharmed with the exception of tire tracks on nearly every page.

If I am good at anything it is making fun of myself so I recently leaned into the mistake when ordering new, custom notepads for JRR+A.

See below.
