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Edie’s Luncheonette
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March 1, 2024Louisville Nonprofit Delivers 3,500 Pounds Of Hygiene Products, Gloves & Other Items To Homeless Ahead Of Frigid Weather
SOS — a global health nonprofit based in Louisville, Kentucky — was recently featured on WDRB Fox 41 when they delivered more than 3,500 pounds of personal hygiene products, gloves and other items to the Arthur Street Hotel prior to the arrival of a brutal winter storm.
Susan Buchino, executive director of C.A.R.E. at the Arthur Street Hotel, said they feared that there wouldn’t be enough shelter for everyone who needed it.
“This is the kind of weather where we will lose people,” she said.
Denise Spears, president and CEO of SOS International, said when they heard the forecast, they immediately reached out to the Arthur Street Hotel to help them be prepared.
“These are all critical supplies,” Buchino said of the SOS shipment. “People are on the street. There are not enough shelter beds in this city for everyone. So even when white flag opens up this week as it gets colder, there will still be people who have to stay outside.”
J.R. Reed + Associates applauds our client of over 20 years along with C.A.R.E. at the Arthur Street Hotel for their combined efforts. Please see below for more information about both organizations along with links to additional resources. Please contact one or both groups if you are interested in getting involved.
Portions of this blog post are from the original story on WDRB.com. Please click the link above to read/view it in its entirety.
About SOS
Delivering a World of Health & Hope
SOS improves global health and the environment through recovery and redistribution of surplus medical supplies. They are a global health non-profit that meets critical health care needs in medically impoverished communities around the world by collecting and distributing surplus medical supplies and equipment. This mission gives them the power to deliver health and hope to 106 countries, including our own. Partnering with hospitals, clinics and manufacturers to recover and redistribute what would otherwise go into local landfills, SOS promotes environmental stewardship. Since 1993, their operations and mission has saved more than 4 million pounds of non-biodegradable medical equipment and supplies from landfills.
About C.A.R.E. @ Arthur Street Hotel
In less than a year, Arthur Street Hotel has placed 160 formerly houseless individuals into permanent housing.
From the time a guest enters the doors of ASH, the staff provides intensive case management that is focused on removing many of the physical, mental, and emotional barriers that prevent this population from securing permanent housing.
Community Advocates for Resources and Empowerment (C.A.R.E.) is a 501(c)(3) founded in 1999 to manage affordable properties, revolutionize eviction prevention, and focus on keeping families in homes.